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Microsoft Surface Go/Pro Tablet Wall Mounts

Elevate your Surface Pro | Go tablet beyond just being a portable PC with our Surface Go | Pro wall mounts - transforming your device into the perfect Point-of-Sale device for your retail setup, digital signage for your office, or home automation controller for your Smart Home!

Having a stylish design doesn't mean sacrificing functionality. Enjoy fully protected USB charging ports with hidden wiring and optional tablet button access, and choose the VidaMount that includes the feature set you want between our array of choices below!

On-Wall Slim Mount

From  €135.19
Low profile on-wall tablet enclosure with removable face plate / cover for fast, easy tablet access!

Open Fixed Wall Mount

From  €90.38
Easily display any tablet into a fixed touch panel, complete with open button access & covered USB cable. Mounts onto any US or EU gang box for easy installation.

Open Tilting Wall Mount

From  €93.28
Converts any tablet into a tilting touch panel display, complete with easy button access + shielded USB plug to allow 24/7 permanent charging.

Open Fixed Tilt Wall Mount

From  €132.88
Converts any tablet into a fixed 15° tilted touch panel display. Allows exposed button access but protected USB plug. Great for mounting onto any US or EU gang box, decora or GFCI outlet and drywall.

Fixed Wall Mount

From  €156.38
Converts any tablet into a fixed touch panel display. Mounts onto any US or EU gang box for easy installation.

Tilting Wall Mount

From  €159.28
Converts any tablet into a tilting touch panel display.

Fixed Tilted Wall Mount

From  €198.88
Converts any tablet into a fixed 15° tilted touch panel display. Great for mounting onto any US or EU gang box, decora or GFCI outlet and drywall.